Saturday 12 May 2012

Dare to believe in the power of resting

Society today has an extremely fast paced, always on the go mentality which nowadays can be the cause of many breakdowns and a lot of stress. There is never any time to stop and rest or to enjoy life, if you are not doing one thing then there is always something else to be getting on with. The only time someone stops is to get a few hours sleep, and then that never seems enough for most people. So what affect does this lifestyle have on a persons mental health?

Men and women are both becoming more worn out and stretched, especially those living in cities, because of the speed at which society is moving and things need to be done. If tasks are not met and meetings not attended the work loads builds and builds along with the stress.

So then with all this pressure and stress from not only work but families and most likely the individual themselves, what affect is this having on their mental health? I believe it can only be having a negative one. Over the past 5 or so years I have seen more of my family and friends being diagnosed with Mental Illness and most of these people have been under a substantial amount of pressure and stress in their lives and they have been juggling many commitments with no time to rest and re-cooperate.

I know that my own MH is at its worst when I don't rest. Currently I'm in the middle of my end of year deadline at University and this time is a very stressful time for all of us. My MH has been suffering lately because of the stress and pressure to do my best and finish all my essays on time whilst also finding time to revise for my exam. It's fair to say I don't have much time to rest at the moment. I'm having to find new distractions, new grounding techniques and other ways of coping as I can see myself slipping back into a very dark place which I don't want to enter.

Stress and pressure are such a big contribution to MH, I believe. From personal experience and seeing how it has affected friends and my family I know that it has some effect, if not a lot. Obviously there are many reason and triggers for MI, each person is different. However, I believe that one way we can help our own mental state is through making sure we rest.

By that I don't just mean getting 8 hours sleep a night, but I mean actually stopping. Taking a few hours from a day or two in the week to go for a walk, read a book, go to the cinema. Rest. Get out of our usual environment and let our bodies relax and our brains unwind. Otherwise the stress and pressure may get too much.

So today I ask you to believe in the power of rest and to take time out for you, do something you enjoy and don't feel guilty about it because you deserve to relax and to be looked after too. You don't have to always be strong - it's okay to admit you need some time out, so go on - go rest.

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