Monday 28 May 2012

Dare to believe in acceptance

Have you ever felt like the spare wheel? You know like cars have a spare wheel in the boot, which is taken everywhere and only used in an emergency, do you ever feel that's what you are? I wonder if you feel like you're only useful when something goes wrong. I certainly do from time to time. Its something I've always felt. I have always been the spare wheel in a group and never managed to find my feet.

This doesn't mean I will never find myself, or that I have not already. It means I do not feel like I have, what I feel and what is truth can be two completely different things. My mental health jades my perspective on a lot of things, acceptance and belonging being one of them. When I have spoken to friends, especially those at Uni with me, they have told me how accepted and loved I am. Yet because of my MH I don't see that of feel that, my eyes are blinded to their love.

I know one day I will see it, I will feel it. Everyone will. I want to encourage you today that if you feel like no one loves you, like the fifth wheel, like you're not needed or accepted - keep going. Hold on to hope and the belief that you are, you just can't see it. One day you will see it and it will be amazing. So keep hope, keep believing and keep going.

You're going to be okay :-)

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